You can drill down ( by double-clicking the node with a red cross) into the Interaction Detail view to check the detail status of every service in this group to find out what happened to them. 您可以下钻(双击带有红色叉号的节点)到InteractionDetail视图来查看该组中的每一个服务的详细状态,以找出发生的问题。
Whenever writing values to pointers, make sure you cross check the number of bytes available and number of bytes being written. 写数据到指针所指的内存时,一定要检查可用空间的大小,和写入的字节数。
If you run into difficulty you should cross check against that. 如果您遇到困难,那么应该针对困难反复检查。
If there is lawsuit in the future, we can cross check with the accounts. 未来如果司法要追究,也可以找到对应的帐号。
Going forward please also send me several bulk keeping samples when you ship bulk trims to fty, then I can cross check the quality. 今后寄辅料大货给工厂时,请同时寄几个大货样品给我,方便我核对。
Next, you should use the internet, or a dictionary to match and cross check your notes and comments to better grasp the knowledge of what you are trying to learn. 接下来,你可以通过网络,字典等搜索查阅,搞懂,搞透笔记上不懂的地方。
For a plate strengthened reinforced concrete beam under different loading, plate length and width and different cross section, the solution can be used to check the maximum bonding shear stress to prevent the plate debonding in the beam at the cut off point of the plate. 采用这些公式可以对不同荷载作用、不同粘结长度和宽度及不同梁截面形式的贴片加固梁片材端部界面最大粘结剪应力进行验算,以防止加固梁片材端部出现界面剥离破坏。
This article compared the specialty, sensitivity, cross reaction, curative effect check and spot application of Q-ELISA and IHA in schistosomiasis diagnosis. 本研究对立刻-酶联免疫吸附试验(Q-ELISA)诊断血吸虫病的特异性、敏感性、交叉反应、疗效考核及现场应用等方面进行了试验,同时与IHA进行了比较。
By using the cross subsampling, rhombus filer two dimensional DPCM, motion check, inter frame and intra frame insert, the rate of digital color television signal will be compressed from 216Mb/ s to 34Mb/ s. 文中提出了利用交叉亚取样、对角滤波、二维差分编码、运动检测及帧内和帧间内插等措施,将216Mb/s速率的彩色电视信号压缩到34Mb/s。
The Research on the Application of Log Cross Section Computer Video Centering Check Up Theory Based on the Six Points Centering Theory 基于六点定心理论的原木端面计算机视频定心检测理论应用研究
And then, the reliability and practicability of the models were inspected by means of cross check and fractal analysis. 采用地质统计学的交叉检验和分维分析等手段验证模型的可靠性和实用性。